Tuesday, April 8, 2008

NL East Draft Review

So the Amateur Draft came and went nearly two weeks ago, and if I wasn't so busy with school and work I would've had the review up early. I didn't bother to redo the projections for the players from what I had when they showed up, with the exception for the guys I didn't see to begin with. I didn't expect them to change significantly, if at all as I had max for both high school and college. As Robocoach did for the AL, I'm only going to do the first 5 rounds for each team, so there might be some guys that were taken in the lower rounds that will be missed. But alas, here it is:

Washington D.C. Revolution
1: Hi Adams (to Cleveland for compensation of Hector Unamuno)
2: Chad Riley, P
3: Charles Smith, P
4: Apollo Kennedy, P
5: Ed Winn, SS

In my opinion this draft was a bust for the Revolutions. None of the pitchers taken look like they will last in the majors, with Riley having the best chance of being a spot starter, long reliever. His control is good, but his splits and pitches leave a little to be desired. Winn was drafted as a shortstop out of junior college, but he will most likely end up as either a 3B or RF. He'll most likely be a career minor leaguer or be the 25th man on a major league roster. Both Smith and Kennedy will most likely be AAA inning eaters for their career.
Grade: C-

Augusta Sea Dogs
1: Odalis Seguignol, SS
1: Fonzie Kelly, RF (from Las Vegas for Enrique Hernandez)
1: Tanner Henry, CF (from Honolulu for Al Crespo)
2: Al Powell, P
3: Luis Cedeno, LF (from Las Vegas for Enrique Hernandez)
3: James Ulrich, CF
4: Clyde Yeats, P
5: Homer Shields, 3B
With a total of 5 of the first 100 picks, its hard to be in a better situation going into the draft than Augusta was. Seguignol will be a good defensive shortstop, who won't destroy you on offense, and will actually contribute against lefties. He's also a pretty fast guy, so look for him to be stealing the occasional base. I like the pick of Fonzie Kelly. While he has marginal ratings in most of the blue categories, his eye is top notch. Combined with his high speed rating and you might have a perfect leadoff, or number two hitter. Tanner Henry has spectacular range, but this might cause him to commit a few more errors than he would have normally as his glove will be sub par in center. Don't get me wrong, he'll be a good defensively. Both Cedeno and Shields have average hitting ratings, and most likely won't be everyday starters at the ML level. Ulrich will be a defensive substitution if he ever makes a ML roster, and has decent spilts, but his lack of power, and inability to draw a walk will hurt him. Al Powell and Homer Shields will be career minor league inning eaters and will never see the big leagues.
Grade: B/B+

Philadelphia Phightins
1: Will Punto, CF
1: Willie Samuel, RF (from New Britian for Vasco Bennett)
1: P.T. Andrews, P (from New Britian for Vasco Bennett)
2: Curtis Lincoln, P
3: Timo Vanguri, 3B
4: Tyler Lucas, SS
5: Cesar Jacquez, SS
The Phightins of Piladelphia also had 5 of the first 100 picks in this years draft, and they definitely need them as they are hovering around the .425 mark as of this writing. They were able to get good value for their type A picks in Samuel and Andrews. Willie doesn't have the best of splits, but his contact and power will make sure he has a job in the majors. He also has what should be, a gun in right field and will definitely be gunning down base runners that are trying to test him. Andrews will be an excellent setup man and spot closer and was the second best reliever on my board. Timo Vanguri has decent splits, and will be an average 3rd baseman. Curtis Lincoln will be nothing more than what appears to be a 4th/5th starter and both Lucas and Jacquez most likely won't reach the majors. What hurts Philadelphia's draft is their inability to sign future gold glover Will Punto. When I look at Punto's skill set I'm reminded of Ismael Reyes who is a perennial gold glove candidate and web gem nominee.
Grade:B with Punto it would've been a B+/A-

Richmond Storm
1: Alex Treadway, P
2: Adrian Hull, P
3: Frank Bonds, 3B
4: Sidney Graham, P
5: Francis Harris, 1B
When I look at Richmond's draft class I find it hard to come up with something good about it. Alex Treadway, taken 7th overall, was the 5th or 6th best reliever on my board. It's impossible to justify taking him that high, especially when Vic Ramsey was still available. Treadway will most likely be a setup man in the majors. He could possibly close for a team without any other options, but there are better relievers out there. Adrian Hull has good control, and plus pitches, but his splits will limit his options and will most likely be another setup man for Richmond. Sidney Graham has decent control, but his average splits combined with the lack of any + pitches means he'll be relegated to the minors for his career. Harris might have a chance to come off the bench and Frank Bonds was a waste of a 3rd round pick.

1 comment:

mytitan said...

Great write up! Looking forward to you breaking down our divisions draft!