Sunday, April 13, 2008

So Long, Toledo

by Chuckie Fairweather
Toledo NewsGopher

There you have it folks. My beloved Tips have returned to their losing ways with a vengeance and I can't take it anymore. The national baseball talking heads have given the team a B- for the recent draft, but the truth is I just can't wait for the future. I'm not getting any younger and this is just too depressing.

I am saddened to tell you, my faithful readers, that I have accepted a job with the Tacoma News Tribune where I will, as of next Tuesday, become the beat reporter for the Tacoma Pilots, and while it pains me to leave you and my old hometown, I am looking forward to the opportunity to cover a winning team for once.

It has been an honor and a priveledge keeping you informed on your sometimes loved and usually hated Cow Tippers, but I must move forward. See you all at the World Series.

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