Saturday, April 5, 2008

Surgery Successful in Toledo?

by Chuckie Fairweather
Toledo NewsGopher Staff Reporter

Reggie Alexander a cancer in the clubhouse? No one here in Toledo would have believed it had you made such a statement a mere 3 weeks ago, but under the circumstances one must wonder. After trading Reggie to New Britain for Marc Durbin and prospects the Cow Tippers have won 12 of their last 19 games, finishing that streak up with another mini streak winning 10 of the last 11.
As you may have guessed, pandemonium has erupted amongst the Tipper faithful (who weren't nearly so faithful only weeks ago). Tickets are selling faster than they can be printed. Throngs of drunken fans are bringing their children down to the ballpark in hopes of seeing what has once again become this city's favorite team.
In an effort to appease the near rioting crowds of ticketless fans the Tippers front office has ordered the installation of high definition television screens outside of the stadium and thousands of people are hanging around to watch the games from the comfort of the downtown sidewalks of Toledo. Makeshift vendors are now peddling beer and soda from ice chests rolled through the crowd while perched precariously atop skateboards and Radio Flyer red wagons. It is nearing insanity....and this city LOVES it.
As of just yesterday the Tips have tied for second place in the American League East with the Leathernecks of New York and are now in the process of trying to close the 9 game gap between themselves and first place Boston with nearly half the season to go. The only question is: Can this team keep it up?
I believe the answer can best be summed up in the words of Adam Sellers, "Hell yes we can do it! Behind the solid pitching of Midre Nunez and failsafe closer Jimmy Hampton this team can do anything. Hell, even our sad sack starter Brad Ryan won his first game this week. Ain't no team coming here to our pasture and beatin' us now".
So, folks, if anyone asks you why you think the Tips have turned it around you just tell them Chuckie told you so. Then you look them square in the eyes, take a good chew on your cud and in your most sincere voice you tell them,

Not in our pasture, baby!

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